DEFCON - Defense Condition

Posted by visualguru | Posted in | Posted on 1:15 AM


What can go wrong, will go wrong...
What you don't know, will hurt you...

These are the phrases well known for an ethical hacker. The maximum strength is based on the weakest part. For data security and other information security we must know the possible ways of security threads. Police should think like a thief to catch a thief. Like that if and only if we know the possible ways of data loss, we could prevent that.

DEF CON - Defense Condition

This website (Organization) provides all latest information security related issues and events. This is also called as Hacker Community's Foremost Social Network. Hence all the Hacker/ Ethical Hackers share their knowledge by conducting events and other programs.

Resources & Blogs

It's resource contains mailing lists, and reading lists of all books related to information security, to understand the building blocks of security system. Also they are referring some 100 of websites related to data security and security system.

All brainy's shares their knowledge in their DEFCON blog.

Here you can get all the resources and guidelines to defend your data from hacking, also you can enhance you security system based on the recent updates happened in the information security world.

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